Notes and references for my keynote at the joint International Society for Clinical Biostatistics and Australian Statistical Conference:
- Abstracts from the JSM on imputation and weighting for audit subsets: Shepherd & Giganti; Shaw & Oh
- Preprint on nearly-true models, and a couple of old blog posts
- Blog post on relative efficiency of weighted estimation in case-control studies
- The paper that coined “using the whole cohort”
- software for multiple imputation on large databases: missForest, MIDAS
- The relationship between AIPW, calibration of weights, and adjusting for baseline
- Paper by Peisong Han showing that multiple imputation gives the optimal double-robust estimator (and therefore the optimal weighted estimator when the sampling probabilities are correct)
- review paper on survey-weighted regression by me and Alastair Scott
- Photos from used in the slides, by Karina Vorosheva, raxpixel, Samuel Zeller
- Weka drawing by Giselle Clarkson