10 min read

Tidying rimu

I’ve been working on the rimu package recently, which handles multiple-response categorical data. This has involved miscellaneous fixing, but also getting these new types to work happily with data frames, in preparation for the rata package that will support modelling and inference1.

For example, consider this little six-observation pretend dataset:

seen <- as.mr(nzbirds)
## [1] "kea+tui"           "kea+ruru+kaki"     "ruru"             
## [4] "ruru+tui"          "kea+ruru+tui+kaki" "kea+?ruru+tauhou"
##  'mr' logi [1:6, 1:5] kea+tui           kea+ruru+kaki     ruru              ruru+tui          kea+ruru+tui+kaki kea+tauhou       
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : NULL
##   ..$ : chr [1:5] "kea" "ruru" "tui" "tauhou" ...

The print method for the mr object prints the birds that were observed in each record. The ? indicates an NA: record number 6 isn’t clear on whether a ruru was seen.

The underlying representation, however, is a logical matrix with an attribute specifying which bird corresponds to each column. If you just try to put a matrix object into a data frame, it decays to the matrix and you end up with a 5-column data frame. That’s ugly. More importantly, there’s nothing to keep those five columns together in further data processing

##   kea ruru tui tauhou kaki
## 1   1    0   1      0    0
## 2   1    1   0      0    1
## 3   0    1   0      0    0
## 4   0    1   1      0    0
## 5   1    1   1      0    1
## 6   1   NA   0      1    0

One of the features of a data frame is that it can hold a wide variety of object types – but it’s tricky to get it to hold multi-column types. What I did was to borrow Terry Therneau’s solution for the Surv objects in the survival package. These are two-column or three-column matrices that mostly look and behave like simple vectors. I must once have known how this all worked, but it has been about 25 years since I did the initial port of the package to R. Looking the code again, it looks like overriding the length method to give the number of observations and the names method to give row names, and the as.data.frame method will keep the object in a single column of the data frame. Here’s a test example with a temporary class

length.tmp <- function(x) nrow(x)
names.tmp <- function(x) rownames(x)
as.data.frame.tmp <- function(x, ...) as.data.frame.model.matrix(x, ...)
## [1] 6 1

It still displays as a binary matrix:

##   birds.kea birds.ruru birds.tui birds.tauhou birds.kaki
## 1         1          0         1            0          0
## 2         1          1         0            0          1
## 3         0          1         0            0          0
## 4         0          1         1            0          0
## 5         1          1         1            0          1
## 6         1         NA         0            1          0

Writing a format method fixes that, too. It’s a bit of a pain to write one for the temporary class, but the one for the real class is just

## function (x, ...) 
## format(as.character.mr(x), ...)
## <bytecode: 0x151fc2070>
## <environment: namespace:rimu>

and it works

##               birds
## 1           kea+tui
## 2     kea+ruru+kaki
## 3              ruru
## 4          ruru+tui
## 5 kea+ruru+tui+kaki
## 6        kea+tauhou

Let’s look at a slightly less trivial example, with data from the RStudio Community Survey. One of the questions is about other software used, presented as a comma-and-space-separated list.

## [1] "What computer tools and/or languages have you used besides R?"
## Other software being used
## [1] "C/C++, Python"                                                              
## [2] "Excel, Tableau"                                                             
## [3] "Excel, Tableau"                                                             
## [4] "C/C++, Excel, Go, Java, Javascript, Matlab, PHP, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic"
## [5] "Excel, SPSS, Mplus"                                                         
## [6] "Excel, Javascript, PHP, Python, scala"

The as.mr method for strings breaks the string at the specified separator and sets up a multiple-response object; mtable does tables that count all the responses.

other_software<- as.mr(rstudiosurvey[[40]], sep=", ")
## only those with at least 20 responses
common<-mr_lump(other_software, n=20)
##  C/C++ Python Excel Tableau Go Java Javascript Matlab PHP Ruby Visual Basic
##    533   1076  1511     435 47  291        459    436 176   89          360
##  SPSS Stata SAS SQL Fortran Julia None Perl Rust Other
##   493    89 393  59      22    33   36   26   28   302
## 'None' isn't really another package
common<-mr_drop(common, "None")
##  C/C++ Python Excel Tableau Go Java Javascript Matlab PHP Ruby Visual Basic
##    533   1076  1511     435 47  291        459    436 176   89          360
##  SPSS Stata SAS SQL Fortran Julia Perl Rust Other
##   493    89 393  59      22    33   26   28   302

Another question asked how happy people were using R, on a 1-5 scale

## [1] "Please rate how much you enjoy using R on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is you don't enjoy it at all, and 5 is that you enjoy it a great deal."
mtable(happy, common)
##   C/C++ Python Excel Tableau Go Java Javascript Matlab PHP Ruby Visual Basic
## 1     2      2     2       0  0    1          0      1   0    0            1
## 2     7     12    14       4  1    6          6      5   5    2            2
## 3    22     33    51      17  1    9         12     17   6    4           10
## 4   120    246   370      96  9   71        102    109  39   18           85
## 5   379    780  1068     317 36  202        336    303 124   64          260
##   SPSS Stata SAS SQL Fortran Julia Perl Rust Other
## 1    1     0   0   0       0     0    0    0     0
## 2    3     1   3   0       0     2    1    1     7
## 3   24     9  14   0       1     1    0    2     7
## 4  103    21  94  10       5    13    6    9    69
## 5  359    58 282  49      16    17   19   16   219
##   C/C++ Python Excel Tableau   Go Java Javascript Matlab  PHP Ruby Visual Basic
## 1  0.00   0.00  0.00    0.00 0.00 0.00       0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00         0.00
## 2  0.01   0.01  0.01    0.01 0.02 0.02       0.01   0.01 0.03 0.02         0.01
## 3  0.04   0.03  0.03    0.04 0.02 0.03       0.03   0.04 0.03 0.05         0.03
## 4  0.23   0.23  0.25    0.22 0.19 0.25       0.22   0.25 0.22 0.20         0.24
## 5  0.72   0.73  0.71    0.73 0.77 0.70       0.74   0.70 0.71 0.73         0.73
##   SPSS Stata  SAS  SQL Fortran Julia Perl Rust Other
## 1 0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00    0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00
## 2 0.01  0.01 0.01 0.00    0.00  0.06 0.04 0.04  0.02
## 3 0.05  0.10 0.04 0.00    0.05  0.03 0.00 0.07  0.02
## 4 0.21  0.24 0.24 0.17    0.23  0.39 0.23 0.32  0.23
## 5 0.73  0.65 0.72 0.83    0.73  0.52 0.73 0.57  0.73

And here’s a little data frame

df<-data.frame(timestamp, happy, common)
## [1] 1838    3
##    timestamp happy
## 1 2019-12-13     5
## 2 2019-12-13     5
## 3 2019-12-13     5
## 4 2019-12-13     5
## 5 2019-12-13     5
## 6 2019-12-13     5
##                                                               common
## 1                                                       C/C+++Python
## 2                                                      Excel+Tableau
## 3                                                      Excel+Tableau
## 4 C/C+++Python+Excel+Go+Java+Javascript+Matlab+PHP+Ruby+Visual Basic
## 5                                                   Excel+SPSS+Other
## 6                                  Python+Excel+Javascript+PHP+Other

But does this work for tibbles?

## # A tibble: 6 × 1
##   birds[,"kea"] [,"ruru"] [,"tui"] [,"tauhou"] [,"kaki"]
##   <mr[,1]>      <mr[,1]>  <mr[,1]> <mr[,1]>    <mr[,1]> 
## 1 kea                     tui                           
## 2 kea           ruru                           kaki     
## 3               ruru                                    
## 4               ruru      tui                           
## 5 kea           ruru      tui                  kaki     
## 6 kea                              tauhou


Tibbles have their own rendering system. If you try to explore it from the command line, you will find yourself in a maze of twisty little methods, all different. But there’s the vctrs package to create new vector types.

Multiple-response objects don’t map neatly on to any of the existing vctrs examples. There are multi-column types, such as the rational and decimal2 examples at that link, but these have the same number of component columns for every instance of the type. There are list-of-vectors types, such as the polynomial example at that link, but these have potentially varying numbers of elements for every item in a vector. The multiple-response objects have the same ‘width’ for every item in a vector – five, for the birds; twenty for the common software packages – but different multiple response objects have different widths.

I settled for the list-of-vectors approach. It will be relatively inefficient to do column operations with this representation, but that’s a problem for the future. Slightly more problematically, the list representation doesn’t straightforwardly allow NA values.

Following the polynomial example, we get

## Attaching package: 'vctrs'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tibble':
##     data_frame

new_vmr <- function(x,levels=unique(do.call(c,x))) {
  new_list_of(x, ptype = character(), class = "vmr", levs=levels)

as.vmr<-function(x,...) UseMethod("as.vmr")
as.vmr.mr<-function(x,...) {
    y<-lapply(apply(x,1,c, simplify=FALSE), function(i) l[as.logical(i)])
as.vmr.default<-function(x,...) as.vmr(as.mr(x,...))

vec_ptype_full.vmr <- function(x, ...) "vmr"
vec_ptype_abbr.vmr <- function(x, ...) "vmr"

format.vmr <- function(x, ...) {

obj_print_data.vmr <- function(x, ...) {
  if (length(x) == 0)
  print(format(x), quote = FALSE)

Now to test this – remembering to drop the NA value for ruru:

v_seen<- as.vmr(mr_na(seen,FALSE))
## <vmr[6]>
## [1] kea+tui           kea+ruru+kaki     ruru              ruru+tui         
## [5] kea+ruru+tui+kaki kea+tauhou
test<-tibble(birbs=v_seen, id=1:6,count=mr_count(seen))
## [1] 6 3
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   birbs    id count
##   <vmr> <int> <dbl>
## 1   [2]     1     2
## 2   [3]     2     3
## 3   [1]     3     1
## 4   [2]     4     2
## 5   [4]     5     4
## 6   [2]     6     2

Everything mostly works – but inside the tibble, the object prints in a weird shorthand that turns out to be the length of the vector for that row. This is a bit confusing, because the vctrs vignette says The format method is also used by data frames, tibbles, and str(). After a while trying to find the code that actually did the formatting, it occurred to me to try the polynomial example that the vignette provides. It also prints as [2], etc, rather than calling the format method. So this is what’s supposed to be happening.

There’s a separate vignette on how to complicate the printing of tibbles with the pillar package. Following that, we can try

 pillar_shaft.vmr<-function (x, ...) {
     out <- style_subtle(format(x))
    new_pillar_shaft_simple(out, align = "right")

which works

## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##               birbs    id count
##               <vmr> <int> <dbl>
## 1 kea+tui               1     2
## 2 kea+ruru+kaki         2     3
## 3 ruru                  3     1
## 4 ruru+tui              4     2
## 5 kea+ruru+tui+kaki     5     4
## 6 kea+tauhou            6     2

One more refinement: vctrs allows for full-width and abbreviated printing, and this printing format can get pretty wide, so I tried also defining an abbreviated format that’s just the binary values pasted together

pillar_shaft.vmr <- function(x, ...) {
  full <- format(x)
  binary <- apply(as.matrix(as.mr(x)),1, paste0,collapse="")

    list(full = full, binary =binary),
    width = pillar::get_max_extent(full),
    min_width = pillar::get_max_extent(binary),
    class = "pillar_shaft_vmr"

format.pillar_shaft_vmr <- function(x, width, ...) {
  if (get_max_extent(x$full) <= width) {
    ornament <- x$full
  } else {
    ornament <- x$binary

  pillar::new_ornament(ornament, align = "right")

And it works.

tibble(birbs=v_seen, more_birbs=v_seen,
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##               birbs        more_birbs yet_more_birbs all_the_birbs will_it_never_e…
##               <vmr>             <vmr>          <vmr>         <vmr>            <vmr>
## 1 kea+tui           kea+tui                    11000         11000            11000
## 2 kea+ruru+kaki     kea+ruru+kaki              10110         10110            10110
## 3 ruru              ruru                       00100         00100            00100
## 4 ruru+tui          ruru+tui                   01100         01100            01100
## 5 kea+ruru+tui+kaki kea+ruru+tui+kaki          11110         11110            11110
## 6 kea+tauhou        kea+tauhou                 10001         10001            10001

I’m still not sure what I want for an abbreviated printout, but at least it can be done. We have a vctrs class, and one that’s a bit different from the existing examples. There’s still an issue with NA entries, but that should be fixable somehow. The vctrs approach will probably get added to the package – it isn’t there now.

  1. If you have ideas about modelling and inference that you want it to support, now would be an excellent time to voice them↩︎